Looking across a lush green meadow towards large oak trees and rolling green hills under a blue sky with fluffy white clouds

Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve


The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority is making accessibility improvements to the Heart’s Delight Trail and other facilities at Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve. This project will include providing accessible use areas, and connecting the parking lot, trailhead, and interpretive seating and use areas via the Heart’s Delight Trail. This will include a new shaded central gathering area at the preserve entrance with accessible signage, including preserve information and interpretation, as well as seating.

Improvements to the existing ¼-mile (½-mile round trip) Heart’s Delight Trail will include standardizing the width and installing a stabilized surface. New accessible nodes along the Heart’s Delight Trail will interpret the history and future of Coyote Valley. An accessible picnic and gathering area will be designed to facilitate use for the general public and support environmental education programming for school and other community groups. This project will provide opportunities to expand programming and connect the community to nature through highlighting the views, wildlife, and natural resources to be found and enjoyed at the preserve. 

Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve is envisioned as part of a regional north-south trail network with future connections to the Authority’s approximately 1,500-acre Coyote Valley Conservation Area, the adjacent 1,800-acre former Tilton Ranch, and County parklands beyond.  This project is the first step in realizing a longer-term vision at this location for ecological restoration, enhanced wildlife habitat, and nature-based recreation.

The total cost of the project is $1.4 million, with $800,000 funded by the Federal Community Project Funding, $200,000 from Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Safe, Clean Water Project D3 Trails Grant Program and $400,000 from the Open Space Authority’s Measure Q.

Project Goals

  • Improve Heart’s Delight Trail to expand preserve accessibility.
  • Provide visitor trail amenities including overlooks and seating along the Heart’s Delight Trail.
  • Interpret and educate about the history and future of Coyote Valley
Trail marker in green grass for Arrowhead Loop Trail, trail going into distance with green hills in background
Three small figures walking on trail under huge oak trees, mountains in distance across sunny valley
Two woman walking on dirt trail with five people further ahead, oak-covered hillside in distance

Project Updates

The Authority wants your feedback! If you have feedback on this project, please email Jennifer Hooper, Assisstant Open Space Planner.

Join our mailing list if you would like to receive project updates with opportunities for providing feedback on the public access plans at Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve.



Summer/FALL 2020

  • Project Planning and Design

winter 2020-2021

  • Use & Management Committee Meeting – February 25, 2021

FALL 2021

  • Project Design Alternatives
  • Citizens’ Advisory Committee Meeting – September 27, 2021 


  • Preferred Alternative / Design Development

winter 2022-2023

  • Preliminary Permit Applications and Environmental Review 


  • Board of Directors Meeting – October 12, 2023

Spring/summer 2024

  • Design development

Fall/winter 2024

  • Permitting
  • Construction drawing development

Summer/Fall 2025

  • Begin construction
Parking lot with wheelchair-accessible spots next to green field and oat trees, green hills in background
Interpretive panel on the De Anza Expedition in foreground, man on horseback on trail in background
Picnic tables in sunny green field under large oak trees, hills in background under blue sky