Students in purple shirts playing in Bill's Backyard outdoor area

Bill's Backyard


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority helped fund the Children's Discovery Museum's new Bill's Backyard: Bridge to Nature project, which is a 27,500 square foot outdoor nature education center adjacent to the existing facility. This innovative space is inspiring children and their families to spend time outside, exploring the wonders and joys of building, exploring, climbing, rolling, digging, and getting dirty.
Award Date:
February 24, 2016
Urban Grant Program
180 Woz Way, San Jose CA 95110

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Other Success

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Outdoor Leadership Trainings for South Bay Educators and Families

Bay Area Wilderness Training is increasing access to the outdoors for Santa Clara educators, youth, and families by leading wilderness trainings and providing free outdoor equipment loans. BAWT Outdoor Leadership Trainings offers course scholarships for at-need educators and students in Santa Clara Valley. Free equipment for youth and leaders is administered through the South Bay Gear Library located in Milpitas to support educator-led trips in the South Bay.

Artistic rendering of Veggielution that depicts diverse farm visitors, walkways, solar panels, orchards, garden beds, and fields of crops

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Roots Down

The Authority is helping to fund Veggielution’s 18-month land use planning process in partnership with the City of San José PRNS to develop a comprehensive vision for Veggielution’s six-acre community farm at Emma Prusch Farm Park in context with its historic location, natural and urban resources, and aspirations of our local community. This land use plan will guide Veggielution’s use and development of these six acres over a 15-year or more time period. A variety of unique urban agriculture and open space opportunities will be explored through the planning process, including educational signage and wayfinding, commercial kitchen space, art installations, and green technology such as rainwater capture, flood protection, and solar installation.

Parents with small child smiling and playing with soccer ball at Stojanovich Family Park

Stojanovich Family Park

Stojanovich Family Park

The Open Space Authority contributed funds towards the development of this 1.3-acre park, including walking trails, a pedestrian bridge, benches, a landscaped swale with a biotreatment component, and interpretive signs that shows the agricultural history of the site.