Group of people in bright orange vests planting trees along neighborhood sidewalk

Nido Neighborhood Reforestation


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority contributed funds towards the City of Campbell's Nido Neighborhood Reforestation Project, which aims to plant 116 new trees in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Central Campbell. The project will plant new, drought tolerant trees that will increase the quality of life for neighborhood residents, decrease crime, and reduce traffic speeds. These trees will also help decrease storm water runoff, remove pollution from the air, and reduce urban heat.
Award Date:
November 10, 2016
Urban Grant Program
Nido Neighborhood

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Other Success

Smiling students and teacher around raised garden bed with sprinkler hose

Campbell School District Garden-Based Instruction

Campbell School District Garden-Based Instruction

The Authority’s grant helped fund Living Classroom’s Garden-Based Instruction in the Campbell School District. Living Classroom's environmental education program focuses in three key areas: environmental literacy, connection to healthy food, and science learning that is relevant and real to the lives of students. Living Classroom will provide a full-service program to schools, including lesson instruction to hundreds of classrooms with multiple lessons for each class each year over multiple years, lesson materials, garden installation and maintenance, and recruitment and training of volunteer parents and docents. The goal of the Authority-funded portion the program was to provide top quality, engaging garden-based learning experiences in the areas of science, nutrition, math, and social studies for at least 1,200 K-3 students at five Campbell schools

Farmbox Bicycle delivery loaded with supplies

Eastside Connect

Eastside Connect

Initially launched in response to COVID-19, Veggielution's Eastside Connect program serves more than 250 people per week through farm boxes, hot meals, and our onsite farm stand. Beginning in 2021, with the funding from the Open Space Authoriy, Veggielution will grow the capacity of Eastside Connect based on recommendations from our recent land use plan. By adding bike delivery, food safety certification, and value added products prepared by local residents, this program will help build a more pandemic- and climate-resilient local food system.

Urban Forestry Outdoor Classroom at Martial Cottle

Urban Forestry Outdoor Classroom

Urban Forestry Outdoor Classroom

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