Students in garden looking at plants

Campbell School District Edible & Native Habitat Gardens


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority helped to fund Living Classroom’s partnership with Campbell Unified School District to implement their new Environmental Literacy Initiative called "Champions for Change.” This project focuses on designing, installing, and maintaining new and enhanced edible and native habitat gardens on all Campbell Unified School District campuses and providing garden-based lessons across all grade levels with the aim of connecting students to nature and the sources of their food and graduating environmentally literate students by 8th grade.
Award Date:
May 9, 2018
Urban Grant Program
Schools throughout the Campbell School District

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Other Success

Young adult hikers in rain gear smiling on trail

South Bay Growth

South Bay Growth

The Authority contributed funds to help Bay Area Wilderness Training expand its services in Santa Clara County to conduct South Bay focused outdoor leadership training courses, bolster partnerships in Santa Clara County, and provide outdoor trip support though the Milpitas free Gear Library. This project has increased the number of Santa Clara County outdoor trips for youth.

Growing the Urban Forestry Education Center

Growing the Urban Forestry Education Center

This project is adding essential, long-lasting improvements to the Our City Forest Urban Forest Outdoor Education Center located in Martial Cottle County Park. With the existing Outdoor Classroom at the center, the addition of stable walkways, electricity, smart irrigation, a greenhouse, and other eco-friendly features, a viable outdoor community environmental education space is available to serve the public. Education programming offered at the site is increasing climate resilience awareness of environmental challenges and teaching skills necessary to steward and protect the natural resources in and around our urban communities. With the improvements made possible through this grant, the Education Center will attract and support thousands of visitors to this innovative venue within Martial Cottle Park.

Two people in field of shrubs looking closely at plants

Coyote Creek BioBlitz Events

Coyote Creek BioBlitz Events

The Authority contributed funds towards a series of Bioblitz Events hosted by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful. Coyote Creek is a diverse natural area with multiple types of habitat for varied wildlife. The four BioBlitz events took place at two locations along the creek, where the public helped document animal and plant species with a simple mobile app, iNaturalist. These events aimed to attract diverse participants, including people who may spend little time in nature and can expose more people to the outdoors in a new way.