Farmbox Bicycle delivery loaded with supplies

Eastside Connect


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

Initially launched in response to COVID-19, Veggielution's Eastside Connect program serves more than 250 people per week through farm boxes, hot meals, and our onsite farm stand. Beginning in 2021, with the funding from the Open Space Authoriy, Veggielution will grow the capacity of Eastside Connect based on recommendations from our recent land use plan. By adding bike delivery, food safety certification, and value added products prepared by local residents, this program will help build a more pandemic- and climate-resilient local food system.
Award Date:
December 11, 2020
Urban Grant Program
647 S KING RD, SAN JOSE, CA 95116

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Other Success

Healing in Nature

Healing in Nature

The Green Foothills’ Healing in Nature series offers to public groups meditative, healing experiences in protected parks and open spaces within Open Space Authority Districts. The program includes special outings for people with limited mobility and disabilities, families with children, and people who prefer Spanish interpretation. Special emphasis is placed on building an ethnically diverse community of docents with cultural mindfulness training and expertise.

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Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

The Authority funded two phases of improvements for this 40-acres of open space along the Guadalupe River in Santa Clara, in 1999 and again in 2004. The projects included trail design and construction as well as removal of exotic plant species, revegetation, irrigation, and fence and gate improvements. The park now features native vegetation representing a variety of plant communities connected by a series of trails.

Albertson Parkway paved trail with plants and fence and green hillside in background

Albertson Parkway

Albertson Parkway

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