Small wooden building with "Coyote Creek Riparian Station" painted on front

Coyote Creek Field Station Environmental Education Program


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority contributed funds towards San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory's (SFBBO) Coyote Creek Field Station Environmental Education Program. SFBBO operates a research bird-banding station at Coyote Creek, located at the urban boundary of San Jose and Milpitas, and engages dozens of volunteers and hundreds of visitors each year. For this project, SFBBO worked with interns from local universities to develop a place and a inquiry-based education module to bring students from six classrooms to engage in both classroom and field learning activities.
Award Date:
November 10, 2016
Urban Grant Program
Coyote Creek north of Hwy 237

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Other Success

Group of people in bright orange vests planting trees along neighborhood sidewalk

Nido Neighborhood Reforestation

Nido Neighborhood Reforestation

The Authority contributed funds towards the City of Campbell's Nido Neighborhood Reforestation Project, which aims to plant 116 new trees in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Central Campbell. The project will plant new, drought tolerant trees that will increase the quality of life for neighborhood residents, decrease crime, and reduce traffic speeds. These trees will also help decrease storm water runoff, remove pollution from the air, and reduce urban heat.

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Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

The Authority funded two phases of improvements for this 40-acres of open space along the Guadalupe River in Santa Clara, in 1999 and again in 2004. The projects included trail design and construction as well as removal of exotic plant species, revegetation, irrigation, and fence and gate improvements. The park now features native vegetation representing a variety of plant communities connected by a series of trails.

CommUniverCity SJSU’s Growing Sustainably

CommUniverCity SJSU’s Growing Sustainably

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