Children smiling together in garden

Championing Environmental Literacy in Campbell Elementary Schools


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

Living Classroom has partnered with the Campbell Union School District to continue an environmental education program focusing on three key areas: environmental literacy, connection to healthy food, and life and earth science lessons. Authority funds will contribute to a Next Generation Science Standard-aligned curriculum program providing lessons each year to thousands of students; lessons that stimulate curiosity and are taught in the beautiful and educational school gardens we create and maintain.
Award Date:
December 11, 2020
Urban Grant Program
"Elementary Schools within the Campbell Union School District: Capri Elementary School, Castlemont Elementary School, Forest Hill Elementary School, Lynnhaven Elementary School, Rosemary Elementary School, Sherman Oaks Elementary School "

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Outdoor Field Trips for Title I & Special Needs Groups

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Child watering garden bed with green watering can

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Bill's Backyard

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