Children learning how to garden

CommUniverCity's Growing Sustainably Program


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

Growing Sustainably aims to increase urban food system awareness and engagement, reduce access barriers to natural spaces, and raise environmental literacy in low-income, Central San Jose communities. Led by CommUniverCity, and with funds from the Open Space Authority, 1,850 residents (1,400 students and 112 families) will learn about urban agriculture and environmental science through hands-on lessons, field trips, and family education kits. They will garden at schools and home, visit an urban farm, and experience San José 's Kelley Park.
Award Date:
December 11, 2020
Urban Grant Program
Multiple elementary schools throughout Santa Clara County and virtually via online platforms such as Zoom, Google Classroom, and InstagramTV

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Other Success

Urban Forestry Outdoor Classroom at Martial Cottle

Urban Forestry Outdoor Classroom

Urban Forestry Outdoor Classroom

The Authority helped to fund the development and construction of an outdoor classroom and the installation of interpretive signage and trails at the Our City Forest Urban Forestry Educational Site at Martial Cottle Park in San Jose. Taken together, the classroom, signs, and trails showcase outdoor exhibits and provide facilitated and self-guided tours for the community, providing visitors a one-of-a-kind Urban Forest Education Center for learning about Santa Clara County's urban forest and its ecosystem, and how to engage in its growth, care, and protection.

Farmbox Bicycle delivery loaded with supplies

Eastside Connect

Eastside Connect

Initially launched in response to COVID-19, Veggielution's Eastside Connect program serves more than 250 people per week through farm boxes, hot meals, and our onsite farm stand. Beginning in 2021, with the funding from the Open Space Authoriy, Veggielution will grow the capacity of Eastside Connect based on recommendations from our recent land use plan. By adding bike delivery, food safety certification, and value added products prepared by local residents, this program will help build a more pandemic- and climate-resilient local food system.

Group of students working in garden as part of Eastside Explorers program

Eastside Explorers

Eastside Explorers

The Authority helped to fund Veggielution’s Eastside Explorers, an experiential, hands-on field trip program which engages hundreds of middle school students each year. Field trip activities are centered around collaborative group tasks focused on urban agriculture, nutrition, human impacts, and ecological interconnections. Veggielution's historical location in East San José encourages discovery while pushing students and teachers to develop a sense of teamwork and fostering a strong sense of place.