A pink and blue sunset behind pink-purple mountains and a bare tree on a grassy hill in the foreground

Public Meetings

Welcome to the Open Space Authority's Interactive Governance Management System. This portal allows you to easily view current and upcoming meetings or search for past meetings.

How to Observe Public Meetings

The Open Space Authority public meetings are a hybrid of in-person/virtual meetings. Members of the public have the option to attend public meetings in person or via Zoom teleconference. Members of the public who wish to stream meetings can do so by clicking on the YouTube icon under Options when each meeting goes live. For members of the public who wish to provide public comment, click on the Zoom meeting icon to enter the meeting. Details are listed on each agenda.

The Board of Directors and/or Committee members participate in public meetings in person, in the Board Room at 33 Las Colinas Lane, San José, CA. The meetings are conducted pursuant to rules required by the Ralph M. Brown Act.

Using Meeting Search

Search for past meetings in the Archived Meetings section by utilizing the search options below. You can search by keywords or click on the "Advance Search" option to search by Board and Committee name, committee type, date or item type, and the search results will populate below. There are different viewing options available in the attachment column. Click on "HTML Agenda" to view the agenda and Board items in the browser window, or select “Agenda” or "Packet" to download a printable PDF version. If you are seeking video or audio recordings before 2021, please contact the Clerk of the Board at clerk@openspaceauthority.org.