Two hikers walking along a path on a golden grassy hillside with a darker, taller hill behind them and the afternoon sun shining from the top right of the photo

Equity & Inclusion

JEDIA Values

The Open Space Authority values Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Access (JEDIA) in our work to preserve the natural environment, support agriculture and connect people to nature.

We recognize that different scenarios, topics, events and initiatives will require different types or levels of engagement from the Open Space Authority as an agency and from the individuals working on behalf of the agency. This is captured as the “Ways We Engage."

A child wearing pink shorts, a white shirt, and purple ear protection headphones walks across a play structure make up of logs, holding the hand of her father who is wearing jeans and a black and gray shirt. Behind them is a grassy park and blue sky.
A circular graphic with text in the center that says "Ways we engage" and colorful segments around the center that read "lead through action," stand in solidarity," "make space & listen," "act in support," and "financially invest"

Agency Values 

  • We have Accessible, Collaborative and Accountable processes to engage the diverse communities we serve in our programs, projects, careers and governance opportunities. 
  • We have Respect for the land and all people in our community. 
  • We are Inclusive and acknowledge current and historical land stewards. 
  • We Empower future generations of conservation leaders. 
  • We invite everyone to join and connect to nature with us. 

Learn More About Our Work That Intersects with JEDIA Values