Kat Hill interviewed by ABC 7



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Charlotte Graham

Public Information



A woman in a light blue shirt and sunglasses stands at a podium with the OSA logo speaking into a microphone at an outdoor event

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brown and white specked burrowing owl surrounded by long green grass against a light brown background

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In The News

External links to recent articles about the Open Space Authority
Mike Flaugher, left, a longtime Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority director who represented Milpitas on the board, died on Saturday, Feb. 22. Flaugher is pictured here in an undated photo with fellow board members and authority staff at the Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve.

March 3, 2025 - The Mercury News

Milpitas Open Space Authority director passes 

Mike Flaugher had ‘personal commitment’ to the environment.

Click here to read the full article.

Land Stewards restoring habitat underneath the entry sign at Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve

December 18, 2024 - Morgan Hill Times

Volunteer for Nature in 2025

Openings available for Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority's volunteer cohort.

Click here to read the full article.

Aerial view of Laguna Seca with green mountains all around

November 14, 2024 - The Mercury News

Coyote Valley: 376 acres once planned for offices and parking lots to become public open space preserve

Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority takes ownership of former corporate campus site

Read the full article by Paul Rogers here.

parade of people dressed up as monarch butterflies

November 2, 2024 - The San Francisco Chronicle

Monarch butterfly conservation efforts highlighted during Día de los Muertos

The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, a conservation group that aims to protect land and wildlife in the South Bay, is creating monarch habitats in an attempt to protect the species during the journey.

Read the full article by Sarah McGrew here.


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Press Releases & Media Advisories

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San José, Calif. (February 24, 2025) - The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (the Authority) announces the passing of Mike Flaugher, Director of District 2 on Saturday, February 22. Director Flaugher represented communities from North San José, Berryessa and the City of Milpitas since 2014
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The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is looking to fill two vacancies. One representative is sought for District 6, which encompasses San Jose’s Alum Rock area. Applicants must reside within the district’s boundaries, preferably be a registered voter and have experience participating with community groups within the district.
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Understanding Coyote Valley documents history and existing conditions across 10 topic areas that correspond to the goals of Coyote Valley Conservation Areas Master Plan (CVCAMP). CVCAMP will address needs for protected “last chance” valley floor that is critical to climate resilience of the region. Public process continues with community open houses starting in August.

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June 17, 2024 – The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority), a 30-yearold regional public land conservation agency that protects open space and connects people to nature, today announced openings for new members of the Authority’s Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) and Expenditure Plan Oversight Committee (EPOC). The open call for applicants follows the ratification on June 13 by the Authority’s elected Board of the agency’s 2024-25 fiscal year work plan and annual budget.
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The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) will open the 1,859-acre Máyyan ‘Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve to the public on Thursday, August 31. Five miles of new trails – including a new 3-mile segment of the Bay Area Ridge Trail, and a wide range of accessible experiences – will be open for free to hikers on a schedule that balances recreation and nature experiences with the sensitive habitat for the many species that make their home in the preserve’s rare serpentine grasslands.
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2023 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority. The agency was founded in 1993 as a public, independent special district – envisioned by dedicated local citizens and enacted by the California State Legislature – with the mission of forever protecting natural and agricultural lands and connecting people to nature. The Open Space Authority is funded by a voter-approved benefit assessment and parcel tax (Measures Q and T) and grants. The agency’s jurisdiction is 1,000 square miles and includes the cities of Campbell, Milpitas, San José, Santa Clara, Morgan Hill, and the unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County.