Kat Hill interviewed by ABC 7



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Charlotte Graham

Public Information



A woman in a light blue shirt and sunglasses stands at a podium with the OSA logo speaking into a microphone at an outdoor event

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brown and white specked burrowing owl surrounded by long green grass against a light brown background

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In The News

External links to recent articles about the Open Space Authority
Mike Flaugher, left, a longtime Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority director who represented Milpitas on the board, died on Saturday, Feb. 22. Flaugher is pictured here in an undated photo with fellow board members and authority staff at the Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve.

March 3, 2025 - The Mercury News

Milpitas Open Space Authority director passes 

Mike Flaugher had ‘personal commitment’ to the environment.

Click here to read the full article.

Land Stewards restoring habitat underneath the entry sign at Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve

December 18, 2024 - Morgan Hill Times

Volunteer for Nature in 2025

Openings available for Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority's volunteer cohort.

Click here to read the full article.

Aerial view of Laguna Seca with green mountains all around

November 14, 2024 - The Mercury News

Coyote Valley: 376 acres once planned for offices and parking lots to become public open space preserve

Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority takes ownership of former corporate campus site

Read the full article by Paul Rogers here.

parade of people dressed up as monarch butterflies

November 2, 2024 - The San Francisco Chronicle

Monarch butterfly conservation efforts highlighted during Día de los Muertos

The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, a conservation group that aims to protect land and wildlife in the South Bay, is creating monarch habitats in an attempt to protect the species during the journey.

Read the full article by Sarah McGrew here.


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Press Releases & Media Advisories

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(October 6, 2020) – Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency (Habitat Agency), Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) and Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) today announced the purchase of 1,861 acres of Tilton Ranch, increasing permanently protected land to more than 2,900 acres adjacent to Coyote Valley, north of Morgan Hill. One of the largest remaining intact ranches in the South Bay, Tilton Ranch contains critical watershed for both Monterey and San Francisco Bays and is home to dozens of unique and endangered species, some of which occur only in this area.
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The Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) releases its Understanding Our Community Phase II Report, a framework that builds on the Phase I report published in 2015, and has guided strategic conservation investments that has helped communities overcome barriers to accessing nature.
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SAN JOSÉ, Calif. (August 3, 2020) – Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (the Authority) and Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) announced the completed purchase of a 235-acre parcel in the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area. The $16 million purchase is supported by $15 million in new funding from two state agencies: $5 million from the California State Coastal Conservancy and $10 million from the Wildlife Conservation Board. POST contributed the remaining $1 million.
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The San José City Council unanimously approved the purchase and permanent protection of 937 acres in the North Coyote Valley through an innovative public and private partnership among Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST), Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (the Authority) and the City of San José. This conservation transaction secures a critical “last chance” wildlife linkage between the Santa Cruz and Diablo mountain ranges. This irreplaceable landscape features natural floodplains and wildlife habitat, mitigates wildfire impact and builds climate change resiliency for the citizens of the tenth-largest city in the nation.
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Undeveloped and largely untouched, a 242-acre purchase made by the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) in partnership with the Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) completes another pivotal piece of the Santa Cruz Mountains preservation puzzle, opening new possibilities for growing an interconnected trail network.
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As agencies across the state are beginning to emphasize the importance of protecting our natural lands and their resources, Assemblymember Ash Kalra (DSan Jose) today announced the introduction of AB 948, which would create the Coyote Valley Conservation Program to be administered by the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority. If the bill is passed, Coyote Valley will receive statewide recognition as a landscape of significant importance for its natural infrastructure benefits including flood risk reduction, wildlife protection, and climate resilience.
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Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) and the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (Authority) today announced the purchase of a 159-acre property that widens a vital linkage between the Authority’s Rancho Cañada del Oro and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District’s (Midpen’s) Sierra Azul open space preserves. This adjacency provides opportunities for connecting recreation options across the two preserves, while securing wildlife habitat and expanding a protected corridor between Highway 17 and Coyote Valley – a high priority area for both organizations in their shared goal of creating habitat linkages for native wildlife.
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The value of sweeping open space, working lands, and a thriving natural world can be difficult to place a numerical value on, but a collaboration between the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, the Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County, and Sonoma County Ag + Open Space has done just that by estimating the monetary value of our soil, water, air, plants, and animals – in other words, our ‘natural capital.’