Reservations & Permits
New reservation system coming soon! Check back March 2025.
Some activities at open space preserves require a use permit. Please read the following information carefully to determine whether your activity or event is eligible for a permit.
All permit requests are reviewed carefully to consider:
- Whether the activity will have an adverse impact on visitors, wildlife or the landscape.
- If Open Space Authority staff are available in case of emergencies.
- If the time, place and size of the event will disrupt normal operations.
- If there are scheduling conflicts with other events or activities.
Group Activities
A group activity on Open Space Authority land requires a permit for any activity or event which:
- is advertised or noticed in any publication, poster, electronic posting or flyer; OR
- requests or requires a fee be paid for participation; OR
- may be attended by twenty-five (25) or more people.
Other Activities
Permits are required for activities on Open Space Authority land including, but not limited to:
- After-hours astronomy
- School groups or educational field trips
- Fieldwork and scientific research
- Filming and photography
- Running/exercise groups
- Scattering of cremains
- Private parties
Prohibited activities – no permit will be issued
- Events with open flame
- Parties with large tents (i.e. gala events)
- Extreme sports events (i.e. obstacle races)
- Other activities that upon review are determined to endanger or negatively impact the public, Open Space Authority staff, volunteers, wildlife or natural resources.
About the permit process
- All permit applicants should allow a minimum of 30 days for permit processing.
- Email us a request inquiry, and Open Space Authority staff will contact you within two (2) business days.
- If your event requires a permit, Open Space Authority staff will send you the Permit for Use form.
- A Permit processing fee of $250 is required for most permits. No fees are assessed for scientific, academic or educational permits. The processing fee is non-refundable.
- Permit applicants will be required to submit an insurance certificate co-naming Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority for at least $1,000,000 of liability insurance coverage for the requested date(s) of activity.
- After all information is received and reviewed you will be notified of your permit approval and receive a copy of the permit. You will also be notified of any requests, special access or safety information.
- Please know that Open Space Authority may request results of any research conducted on Open Space Authority preserves.