A green grassy hillside with yellow and orange wildflowers, beyond are more green hills under a clear blue sky

Máyyan 'Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve

Expanded Public Access

About the Project

Máyyan 'Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve is now open to the public!

In 2023, the Open Space Authority completed the planning, design and construction process for expanded public access to Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve. Now open, this preserve offers visitors the chance to visit a largely undisturbed serpentine grassland setting. The Authority protected over 1,800 acres at Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge with funding from several conservation partners and co-manages the preserve with the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency in order to protect habitat for rare plants and animals. Located just 10 miles from downtown San José, this preserve offers rare opportunities for guided recreational access and environmental education that allow visitors to experience, enjoy and learn about this unique landscape.

Public access at the preserve includes a parking and gathering area off Malech Road, a sustainable trail network and a staging area with restrooms, trailhead and interpretive features and signage. Visitors can climb nearly 1,400 feet in elevation through grasslands up to the ridgeline for sweeping views of Santa Clara Valley and spring wildflower displays. Access to the ridgeline completes a nearly 3-mile segment of the Bay Area Ridge Trail. Visitors need a free "Butterfly Pass" for hiking, biking or horseback riding on the trails located inside the Habitat Protection Area.

Visit the Máyyan 'Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge preserve page to discover preserve hours and guidelines. 

Project Goals

  • Protect rare Santa Clara Valley ridgetop views and serpentine habitat.
  • Provide public access with expanded trail opportunities.
  • Expand Bay Area Ridge Trail network in the South Bay Region for public enjoyment.
  • Create a central parking and gathering area for educational and interpretive opportunities.
  • Provide unique public wildflower viewing experiences. 
A clump of bright orange California poppies growing in green grass on a hillside with more green hills behind

Funding for this Project

This project was funded by the Open Space Authority's Measure Q, a generous $400,000 grant from the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation, a $400,000 grant from the Priority Conservation Area (PCA) Grant Program and over $1 million from California State Parks Recreational Infrastructure Revenue Enhancement (RIRE) program

Learn more on our Funding page.

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