2024 Annual Impact Report

Learn about our biggest accomplishments of 2024!


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About this Preserve

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  • Bikes must travel one-way around the Arrowhead Loop Trail. 

    • February 2025: Bikes travel clockwise. 
    • March 2025: Bikes travel counterclockwise. 






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Connecting to Nature
Environmental Education
Horseback Riding

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Preserve Highlights & Features

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Máyyan ‘Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve connects over 1 million acres of important habitat in the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range. Comprised of rare, sensitive serpentine grasslands, this unique landscape is a biodiversity hotspot for endangered plants and animals. Scientific research on the plant and animal communities found here continues today.

Visitors will need a free "Butterfly Pass" for hiking, biking, or horseback riding on the trails located inside the Habitat Protection Area. Total, there are 3 miles of trail designated as a portion of Bay Area Ridge Trail, a regional trail system that will someday stretch more than 550 miles along the ridge lines that encircle San Francisco Bay. 

Máyyan ‘Ooyákma (pronounced My-yahn Oiy-yahkmah) directly translates to Coyote Ridge in the Chochenyo language. Chochenyo is the language stewarded by the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe of the San Francisco Bay Area, whose members trace their ancestry to the Indigenous Peoples, or aboriginal inhabitants, of this region. The Open Space Authority is partnering with the Muwekma Ohlone to raise awareness about the importance of the protection of irreplaceable landscapes.

Looking down a hillside covered in golden grass across the South Bay Area to dark hills where a bright yellow sun is setting over a blue sky
Opened to the public
Rolling green hills with trails winding through them, under a bright blue sky
miles of trails

Know Before You Go

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News & Events


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Coyote Hills

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Related Nature

Máyyan ‘Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve connects over 1 million acres of important habitat in the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range. Comprised of rare, sensitive serpentine grasslands, this unique landscape is a biodiversity hotspot for endangered plants and animals. Scientific research on the plant and animal communities found here continues today. 

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Funding for this Preserve

Measure T

In November 2020, Measure T, a permanent renewal of Measure Q with no tax increase, was overwhelmingly passed by voters with 81% approval. Santa Clara Valley voters made clear that they consider access to parks and open space essential to their physical and mental health as Measure T falls within the top 10 highest passage rates of countywide measures nationwide. This renewed dedicated funding source allows the Authority to continue its work to preserve our region’s natural heritage, increase public access, protect water supplies, and continue to provide access to nature in the urban core. 

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