
Bowers Park Habitat Restoration & Pathway

City of Santa Clara

About the Project

In 2018, the Open Space Authority granted $59,250 to the City of Santa Clara's project to install a decomposed granite trail and restoe upland habitat near Saratoga Creek. This project gives people of all ages and abilities access to nature in their neighborhood and to the new all-inclusive playground in Bowers Park. In addition, the new trail creates a walking loop by connecting to existing park trails. The trail enhances and integrates play spaces with nature, while supporting sustainability and age-friendly outdoor activities.

An educational sign shaped like a green leaf on a brown post with the words "Sounds of water" and photos, in front of a shaded park area with a trail
A community garden with several rows of large raised wooden garden beds, full of leafy green plants and vegetables
Urban Grant Program
Grant Program
Grant Amount
Year Awarded