A dirt trail with a seating area consisting of wooden tree logs and a rustic wooden bench, surrounded by a green meadow fringed with large leafy trees under a blue sky with white streaky clouds

Llagas Creek Day Use Area

Expanded Public Access at Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve

About the Project

Llagas Creek Bridge and Hidden Meadow Trail now open to the public!

In 2024, the Open Space Authority completed construction of the new Llagas Creek Bridge and Hidden Meadow Trail at Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve. This project connects the Llagas Creek Loop Trail to a newly-installed bridge over Llagas Creek. Once across the bridge, visitors can enjoy the new Hidden Meadow Trail, nearly surrounded by woodlands and Llagas Creek, with views of the hillsides beyond. Amenities include an accessible trail, seating areas and interpretation about the surrounding environment. 

As a separate project, the Open Space Authority is looking at the feasibility of expanding multi-use access and regional trail connections to the southern portion of Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve. Learn more about this project.

Project Goals

  • Install a bridge over Llagas Creek.
  • Create interpretive trail/day-use area in creek-side grassland.
  • Expand accessible programming at the preserve.
A rust-colored pedestrian bridge spans a small creek surrounded by lush trees on either side and under a bright blue sky

Funding for this Project

The Llagas Creek Bridge and Hidden Meadow Trail project was made possible with $1.12 million in funding from State Parks' Per Capita Program and is an example of how the Open Space Authority is Investing in Nature. 

Learn more on our Funding page.

Other Public Access Projects

Rolling golden hills covered in dark green trees and crisscrossed with trails, with blue mountains in the distance, under a bright blue sky

Rancho Cañada del Oro Regional Trail Planning

The Open Space Authority is looking at the feasibility of expanding multi-use access and regional trail connections to the southern portion of Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve, including an area formerly known as Blair Ranch. Learn more about this project.

A group of 7 hikers walk away from the camera on a dirt trail surrounded by a large flat field of golden grasses dotted with dark green oak trees, with rolling golden hills in the distance

Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve Expanded Public Access

The Open Space Authority is making accessibility improvements to the Heart’s Delight Trail and other facilities at Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve. This project will include providing accessible use areas, and connecting the parking lot, trailhead and interpretive seating and use areas via the Heart’s Delight Trail. Learn more about this project.