Dirt trail leading through lush green forest with hills in the background


The Open Space Authority is funded primarily from a $24 annual parcel tax and a benefit assessment, referred to as District 1. The agency also receives additional funding from grants and gifts.

Mandatory Reporting

California State Controller's Office - Government Financial Reports Website
California State Controller's Office - Government Compensation in California Reporting Website

Financial Documents

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2024-2025

Budget in Brief FY 2024-2025

Financial Audit 2022-2023

Measure Q and T Financial Audit 2022-2023

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2023-2024

Budget in Brief FY 2023-2024

Measure Q and T Financial Audit 2021-2022

Financial Audit 2021-2022

Board Staff Reimbursements Over $100 FY 22-23

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2022-2023

Board Staff Reimbursements Over $100 FY 2021-2022

Budget in Brief FY 2022-2023

Board Staff Reimbursements Over $100 FY 2020-2021

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2021-2022

Measure Q Financial Audit 2020-2021

Financial Audit 2020-2021

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2020-2021

Measure Q Financial Audit 2019-2020

Financial Audit 2019-2020

Board Staff Reimbursement Over $100 FY 2019-2020

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2019-2020

Measure Q Financial Audit 2018-2019

Financial Audit 2018-2019

Board Staff Reimbursements Over $100 FY 2018-2019

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2018-2019

Measure Q Financial Audit 2017-2018

Financial Audit 2017-2018

Board Staff Reimbursements Over $100 FY 2017-2018

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2017-2018

Measure Q Financial Audit 2016-2017

Financial Audit 2016-2017

Budget and Annual Work Plan FY 2016-2017