Behind-the-Scenes at Máyyan ‘Ooyákma Coyote Ridge (Spring 2023)

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Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge
OSA staff members work on building a trail at MOCR

Every year thousands of people sign up for Open Access Days at Máyyan ‘Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve. 2023 was different - with construction and trail building in full swing, the Open Space Authority hosted preserve access in the form of unprecedented volunteer efforts to build the trails at this preserve. The new preserve will officially unveil to the public in Fall 2023, but in the meantime, here are a few behind-the-scenes photos to enjoy from Spring 2023.

April Trail Building

Trail building is a time- and labor-intensive process involving considerable planning and of course the physical effort of moving dirt that has been compacted in place for years. While excavators are frequently used in trail builds to move large quantities of dirt, this trail needed to be done by hand to protect rare and native species like dudleya, and dwarf plantains, the host plant for the endangered Bay checkerspot butterfly.

Once completed, Máyyan ‘Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge will feature over five miles of public trails, including over three miles of trail to be designated and added to the Bay Area Ridge Trail system. 

OSA Staff members work on building a trail at MOCR
Teams from the California Conservation Corps work on the preserve's Bay Checkerspot Trail. The trail is named in honor of the federally listed species that makes this unique place home.
OSA Staff members work on building a trail at MOCR
Open Space Authority staff and volunteers work on the preserve's Bay Checkerspot Trail. Volunteers worked for six hours on their segment of the trail roughly the size a football field, digging the trail and "refining" it, or filling in the cut area with d

Spring Wildflowers/Wildlife

Máyyan ‘Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve in the springtime is certainly a sight to behold. Its rolling hillsides become vibrantly green after the rainy season - especially with California's most recent bouts of rain - and speckled with pops of color from the thousands of blooming wildflowers across the ridge. 

A green hill full of wildflowers with a blue sky in the background
Goldfields, California poppies, fiddlenecks, purple owl's clover, and other wildflowers adorn the hills of Máyyan ‘Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve in the spring.
A bay checkerspot butterfly sits on the ground with green grass and wildflowers in the background
Find the Bay checkerspot butterfly!
A trail among a field of yellow wildflowers and green hills
A new trail at Máyyan ‘Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve winds through patches of yellow goldfields, with views of Coyote Valley below.

Pardon our Progress: Construction Updates

Construction for Máyyan ‘Ooyákma - Coyote Ridge is in full swing, and the team is making exciting progress. Things like the trailhead kiosk, map, directional and informational signage, including trail accessibility information will be installed.

A view of a parking lot under construction at MOCR from the green hillside
The parking lot is nearly complete and shade structures for the central gathering area are being constructed onsite, providing an escape from the sun as guests gather at the trailhead.
A central staging area is under construction with green hills in the background
The preserve's vault toilet restroom is under construction, followed by the structure's roof and siding. An interpretive concrete seat wall was installed in the central gathering area -the 1st step in creating the preserve's interpretive experience.
Shade structures being constructed in the central gathering area of MOCR
Fabrication is currently underway for entryway, welcome, and interpretive signage. The team's next steps are to install accessible surfacing for central gathering area overlooks and Máyyan Wáayi Overlook Trail, as well as benches and picnic tables.
Shade structures under construction at MOCR
Footings for shade structures are compete and installation of shade structures are currently underway. The next steps are to install roofing, seating, and interpretive signage.

The Open Space Authority is so excited to share this unique preserve with you! For early access opportunities over the summer and a Community Welcome Celebration in the fall, please sign up for the Open Space Authority’s monthly newsletter or events calendar.

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