Celebrating Environmental Education Day!

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On January 26, people around the world will celebrate International Environmental Education Day to bring awareness to the importance of teaching others about the environment, the benefits of nature and how we can all do our part to be kind to the earth. The Open Space Authority offers a wide variety of environmental education programming that provides opportunities to learn more about local wildlife, connect with nature, understand the importance of conserving and restoring local lands and more. Learn more about a few of our special virtual educational videos that are FREE for the public through our YouTube below. 

The Magic of Moths

Through this webinar, viewers will learn the differences between moths and butterflies, how they pollinate plants, their lifestyle patterns, wing and antennae structures, biological history and special adaptations!

Pollinator Party

Pollinators provide a multitude of benefits to our ecosystems. Learn more about these magical beings including beetles, butterflies, moths and bees that help increase biodiversity through this one-hour webinar!

Scavengers of the Sky

In this 45-minute webinar, viewers can learn all about the amazing creature known as the turkey vulture! These native and complex scavengers are super unique and are known as nature's cleanup crew; turkey vultures feed on dead animal carcasses, also known as carrion, which helps to decrease the amount of potential disease in the ecosystem. Learn more fun facts about turkey vultures by watching the full webinar!

Creepy Crawlies and Other Decomposers

Through this 30-minute webinar, viewers will be introduced to invertebrate decomposers including worms, slugs, snails, beetles and more! Learn how these organisms are built for their environment and how they benefit the natural ecosystem.

Let's Go Mothing!

In this webinar, learn about mothing (observing moths), how to do it and how to identify and document moths once you begin your journey! If you’ve ever wondered how to become an iNaturalist expert to track the plants, wildlife and other creatures you encounter, this 40-minute webinar is a great watch!

In Love with Lichen

Want to learn more about lichens? Check out this webinar to learn how to identify the major groups of lichens aka fungus and algae that use each other to their own benefit! Viewers will also learn about the lichen’s effects on local ecology and what they can tell us about our changing environment.

Want to dive even deeper into the Open Space Authority’s FREE virtual environmental education catalogue? Click here to explore the agency’s YouTube page and discover more fascinating aspects of our surrounding environments. 

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