Open Space Flower Frenzy 2025

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Graphic of a competition style bracket titled "Open Space FLOWER FRANZY 2025" with photos of 12 different wildflower species as the competitors

We’ve all heard of March get ready for FLOWER FRENZY!

Join us this March for a wildflower-themed tournament to discover which species is the true favorite – while learning about native California flowers! Every week on the Open Space Authority's Facebook and Instagram pages, we’ll host several face-offs between two wildflowers, along with fun facts about each species. Vote for your favorite, and see which species advances to the next round.

At the end of month, we’ll crown this year’s floral favorite, the 2025 Wildflower Winner!

Here's how to participate in #OpenSpaceFlowerFrenzy: For each set of two flowers, vote for your favorite. The flower with the most votes advances to the next face-off. Only one will be crowned champion of #OpenSpaceFlowerFrenzy!

A split photo: on the left are three flowers with yellow centers and many yellow and white-tipped petals with the label "TIDY TIPS"; on the right is a bunch of bright orange flowers growing in green grass with the label "CA POPPY"

Face-Off #1: California poppy vs. Tidy tips

A split photo: on the left are a cluster of flowers with five bright blue petals surrounding a distinct white ring with the title "HOUND'S TONGUE"; on the right is a flower with a nodding pearly white blossom hanging off a stem with green leaves with the label "GLOBE LILY"

Face-Off #2: Globe lily vs Hound's tongue


On the left: a dainty, comet-shaped blossom of purple, white, and black growing on a reddish stem with the label "SHOOTING STAR"; on the right: A large yellow flower with 5 petals surrounding a center with dozens of stamen with the label "BLAZING STAR"

Face-Off #3: Shooting star vs. Blazing Star

On the left: a wildflower with heart-shaped yellow petals growing in green grass; on the right: a glossy yellow flower with 9 petals surrounding a yellow center

Face-Off #4: California golden violet vs. Buttercup

On the left: a field of bright orange cup-shaped wildflowers with the label "CA POPPY," on the right: two cup-shaped wildflowers with white petals and colorful pink and magenta centers with the label "MARIPOSA LILY"

Face-Off #5: California poppy vs. Mariposa lily

On the left: a flower with a nodding pearly white blossom hanging off a stem with green leaves with the label "GLOBE LILY"; on the right: a cluster of purple flowers with 6 petals each surrounding yellow centers with the label "BLUE-EYED GRASS"

Face-Off #6: Globe lily vs. Blue-eyed grass

On the left: a yellow, five-petaled flower with an orange center and dozens of long stamen with the label "BLAZING STAR;" on the right: two orange-yellow colored flower shaped like trumpets coming of a tall stalk with green leaves with the label "MONKEY FLOWER"

Face-Off #7: Blazing star vs. Monkey flower

On the left: a wildflower with heart-shaped yellow petals growing in green grass with the label "GOLDEN VIOLET"; on the right: several tall, plume-shaped flowers sticking out of green vegetation, beneath a blue sky

Face-Off #8: California golden violet vs. Lupine

On the left: two cup-shaped wildflowers with white petals and colorful pink and magenta centers with the label "MARIPOSA LILY"; on the left: a nodding, bell-shaped greenish flower with the label "GLOBE LILY"

Face-Off #9: Mariposa lily vs. Globe lily

On the left: a yellow, five-petaled flower with an orange center and dozens of long stamen with the label "BLAZING STAR;" on the right: a group of tall, purple flowers with the label "LUPINE"

Face-Off #10: Blazing star vs Lupine

On the left: two cup-shaped wildflowers with white petals and colorful pink and magenta centers with the label "MARIPOSA LILY"; on the left: tall, spear-shaped purple flowers with the label "LUPINE"

CHAMPIONSHIP: Mariposa Lily vs Lupine

Voting opens March 24.


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