Spotlight: Loren Lewis

Loren Lewis is the district 5 representative of the Open Space Authority's Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC). CAC members are appointed by the Board to serve two-year terms, and the purpose of the committee is to provide many avenues of input to and from the Open Space Authority's diverse communities. Keep reading to meet Loren and learn about his connection to the open spaces of the Santa Clara Valley.

About Loren
Loren Lewis was born in Santa Clara County and has lived in South San Jose all his life. By trade, he is a high-tech project manager with a master's degree in political science and substantial coursework in sustainability, water resource management, and environmental policy. Loren came to know the Open Space Authority through training several hours each week year-round as a competitive trail runner. He has a particular affinity for wildflowers.
1) How did you first connect with the Open Space Authority?
My running club suggested Rancho Cañada del Oro Open Space Preserve as a new undiscovered place to run almost 10 years ago.
2) Why is nature important to you?
I am a trail runner. Running has become part of who I am. It keeps me mentally and physically healthy, and I do not know what I would do without the woods.
3) Why was it important for you to join this committee?
As an avid user of open space, this was a good way for me to give back. It is also a good way for me to keep informed on the happenings related to our open spaces.
4) What are some important takeaways you have learned during your service on the CAC?
Protecting open space and providing access sometimes conflict. A big part of our work is striving to optimize that balance.
Learn more about the CAC, its members, and how to apply here.