Paved Three Creeks Trail leading through landscaped area with trees and signs

Three Creeks Trail


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority contributed funds totaling $3,235,000 towards the purchase of land along the former Union Pacific railroad in the Willow Glen neighborhood of San Jose. The trail will eventually connect three creek trails: the Los Gatos Creek Trail, the Guadalupe Creek Trail, and the Coyote Creek Trail. This 1-mile trail features an iconic water tower and fruit crates that pay homage to the Valley of Heart's Delight.
Award Date:
August 13, 2003
20% Funding Program
Willow Glen Neighborhood

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Other Success

Line of hikers in rain jackets standing on trail facing camera and smiling

South Bay Expansion (2018)

South Bay Expansion (2018)

Bay Area Wilderness Training (BAWT) creates opportunities for underserved Bay Area youth to experience wilderness firsthand and have powerful environmental education experiences. The Authority contributed funds to help BAWT continue to expand services in Santa Clara County by conducting more outdoor leadership training courses, including full scholarships for South Bay focused leaders. Through this grant, BAWT will continue expansion of outdoor equipment lending and trip support services. This project is increasing the number of Santa Clara County outdoor trips for diverse youth and will help launch a legacy that will provide youth of color and low-income youth in the South Bay with outdoor experiences for many years to come.

Wide gravel path next to green grass and trees

Coyote Meadows Park Community Planning

Coyote Meadows Park Community Planning

The Authority contributed funds to Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful's Coyote Meadows Park Community Planning and Concept project. In the heart of the City of San Jose, Coyote Meadows (formerly known as a homeless encampment named "The Jungle") is a nearly 50-acre parcel of land designated as open space owned by the City of San Jose along Coyote Creek. This land is a linchpin for connecting the community in an east-west and north-south route as a trail corridor. Together with the City of San Jose, community members seek to activate this area as a natural park adjacent to a neglected waterway. This project will provide community planning and conceptual designs, with the end result of a urban open space park with native plants, passive recreational uses, and a strong stewardship infrastructure.

Group of birders looking through binoculars

Oak Savanna Citizen Science Project

Oak Savanna Citizen Science Project

The Oak Savanna Citizen Science Project is an education program being developed by the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society (SCVAS) to promote citizen science, environmental awareness and an appreciation for the land and wildlife at the Laguna Seca portion of the North Coyote Valley Conservation Area. The Authority will help fund field trips offered by the SCVAS to Laguna Seca along with a classroom segment to area high schools. Regular bird surveys and BioBlitzes at Laguna Seca will be open to the public.