Seven students sitting on bench smiling and holding up plants to the camera

CommUniverCity: Growing Sustainably


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority grant funded the San Jose State University Research Foundation's project, a signature CommUniverCity program, that aims to create a self-sustaining food system for low-income communities in Central San Jose where each child has opportunities to garden at a school garden or urban farm in their neighborhood. The program increases awareness of the importance of eating healthy, fresh foods, and promotes environmental stewardship among low-income children and their families.
Award Date:
November 10, 2016
Urban Grant Program
Central San Jose

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Other Success

Raised garden beds with community building in background

Everett N. “Eddie” Souza Park

Everett N. “Eddie” Souza Park

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Paved trail at Selma Olinder Park leading through green field and trees

Selma Olinder Park

Selma Olinder Park

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Bay Area Older Adults Trailblazers Program

Bay Area Older Adults Trailblazers Program

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