Tray of plant sprouts on table
Community members placing plants in raised garden beds

San Jose Home Gardens


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority helped fund Valley Verde’s San Jose Family Gardening Project, which creates and maintains community and home gardens in collaboration with 140 low-income families. The project addresses the need for access to green spaces for underserved families, healthy and affordable fresh food, and environmental education. Valley Verde provides families with raised-bed gardens at home along with all the supplies needed to grow fresh vegetables and a year of monthly workshops which cover topics such as urban agriculture, habitat for native wildlife, and water conservation. After one year, participants are eligible to become mentors for other families in the program, growing the circle of environmentally sustainable gardening skills and fostering sense of community in urban areas.
Award Date:
May 9, 2018
Urban Grant Program
466 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95125

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