Science drawing activity

Outdoor Field Trips for Title I & Special Needs Groups


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

With this project, the Authority will help fund standards-based outdoor education programs to students from deep-engagement communities (DEC), Title I schools, and special needs groups for three years. Funding underwrites costs for 120 Title I field trips and 75 transportation stipends, and 24 special needs field trips and transportation stipends. Authority funds will also support training staff on distance-learning/in-person instructional strategies, best practices for working with students with special needs, & cultural relevancy and racial justice.
Award Date:
December 11, 2020
Urban Grant Program
Guadalupe Gardens Visitor Center

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Other Success

Valley Verde representative holding tray of plants in containers with garden in background

San Jose Home Gardens

San Jose Home Gardens

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San Jose Conservation Corps Naturalist Program

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Stojanovich Family Park

Stojanovich Family Park

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