People hiking on trail

Community and Virtual BioBlitz Events


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority will help fund BioBlitz events which will allow people to learn about the diverse natural areas with varied wildlife along Coyote Creek and other South Bay parks. Throughout the ten BioBlitz events, naturalists will lead participants, some who may have spent little time in nature, to use iNaturalist, a mobile app, to document biodiversity. These events will continue to expose people to the outdoors in a new way. The four virtual BioBlitzes that will be offered will allow people to learn about local nature in-depth from naturalists and participate remotely
Award Date:
September 28, 2020
Urban Grant Program
Coyote Creek Visitor Center at Anderson Lake, Hellyer County Park,. Almaden Quicksilver County Park,. Kelley Park, Alum Rock Park, Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge

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