Children learning how to garden

CommUniverCity's Growing Sustainably Program


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

Growing Sustainably aims to increase urban food system awareness and engagement, reduce access barriers to natural spaces, and raise environmental literacy in low-income, Central San Jose communities. Led by CommUniverCity, and with funds from the Open Space Authority, 1,850 residents (1,400 students and 112 families) will learn about urban agriculture and environmental science through hands-on lessons, field trips, and family education kits. They will garden at schools and home, visit an urban farm, and experience San José 's Kelley Park.
Award Date:
December 11, 2020
Urban Grant Program
Multiple elementary schools throughout Santa Clara County and virtually via online platforms such as Zoom, Google Classroom, and InstagramTV

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Other Success

Edith Morley Park with raised wooden walking boardwalks through green trees and over a creek

Edith Morley Park

Edith Morley Park

The Authority contributed $173,021 to improvements at Edith Morley Park, a 5.5-acre site located adjacent to percolation ponds on Campbell Technology Parkway. The project provided wetland preservation, native plantings, walking paths, and benches. Edith Morley Park offers recreational amenities as well as a marsh and wetland area for exploration and environmental studies.

Lake Cunningham: Wetland & Shoreline Restoration Prototype Project

Lake Cunningham: Wetland & Shoreline Restoration Prototype Project

This project supports the Design and Environmental Review for an Emergent Wetland to improve water quality and reduce overland fertilizer and waste inflows into Lake Cunningham. This project is restoring the historic landscape from the late 1800’s when the area was called Laguna Socayre (alternatively Laguna Seca). The project addresses three goals, 1) improve water quality through natural filtering processes, 2) offer visual amenity for existing walking trails along lake, and 3) advance the Department’s Strategic Goal of “Nature” through restoration of habitat.

Bowers Park grass field with sycamore trees

Bowers Park Habitat Restoration & Pathway Installation

Bowers Park Habitat Restoration & Pathway Installation

The Authority contributed funds towards the City of Santa Clara's installation of a decomposed granite trail and restoration of upland habitat near Saratoga Creek. This project will give people of all ages and abilities access to nature in their neighborhood and to the new all-inclusive playground in Bowers Park. In addition, the trail will create a walking loop by connecting to existing park trails. The trail will enhance and integrate play spaces with nature, while supporting sustainability and age-friendly outdoor activities.