Trail marker and interpretive panel connecting visitors to Bay Area Ridge Trail

Gateway to Trails and Parks


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority contributed funds to the Bay Area Ridge Trail Council for the Gateway to Trails and Parks: Ridge Trail Interpretive, Wayfinding and Outings project at Berryessa BART Station. The project used the opening of the new Berryessa BART station to introduce and connect the public to the outstanding network of trails, parks, and open space in Santa Clara County. The Berryessa station includes a new section of the Bay Area Ridge Trail and connects directly to the Penitencia Creek Trail and other trails, offering access to many nearby parks and open spaces. This project promotes exciting new opportunities to combine transit and trails for recreation and transportation.
Award Date:
November 10, 2016
Urban Grant Program
Berryessa BART Station

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Other Success

Farmbox Bicycle delivery loaded with supplies

Eastside Connect

Eastside Connect

Initially launched in response to COVID-19, Veggielution's Eastside Connect program serves more than 250 people per week through farm boxes, hot meals, and our onsite farm stand. Beginning in 2021, with the funding from the Open Space Authoriy, Veggielution will grow the capacity of Eastside Connect based on recommendations from our recent land use plan. By adding bike delivery, food safety certification, and value added products prepared by local residents, this program will help build a more pandemic- and climate-resilient local food system.

Group of people seated under outdoor shade structure

Beginning Farmer Learning Hub

Beginning Farmer Learning Hub

The Authority contributed funds to the Regents of the University of California UCCE Santa Clara County's Development of a Small and Urban Beginning Farmer Learning Hub at Martial Cottle County Park. This project provides hands-on training opportunities that help beginning farmers and ranchers achieve and sustain their economic goals in the Santa Clara County. This project will create a demonstration and education hub for small, limited-resource beginning farmers and ranchers of diverse backgrounds. Training is provided through workshops and field days and facilitates farmer-to-farmer networking.

Historic farm equipment on brown grass field at Santa Teresa County Historic Park

Santa Teresa County Historic Park

Santa Teresa County Historic Park

In 2002 the City of San Jose in partnership with Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation used a $900,000 grant from the Open Space Authority to purchase property to expand Santa Teresa County Park Historic Area. The 1.93-acre parcel adjoins the historic Bernal-Gulnac-Joice Ranch interpretive site and Santa Teresa Springs. The ranch buildings and surrounding 28-acre property are what remains of a nearly 10,000-acre tract granted to Jose Joaquin Bernal by the Mexican government in 1834.