Community members read displays and write feedback on table displays

Roots Down


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Authority is helping to fund Veggielution’s 18-month land use planning process in partnership with the City of San José PRNS to develop a comprehensive vision for Veggielution’s six-acre community farm at Emma Prusch Farm Park in context with its historic location, natural and urban resources, and aspirations of our local community. This land use plan will guide Veggielution’s use and development of these six acres over a 15-year or more time period. A variety of unique urban agriculture and open space opportunities will be explored through the planning process, including educational signage and wayfinding, commercial kitchen space, art installations, and green technology such as rainwater capture, flood protection, and solar installation.
Award Date:
May 9, 2018
Urban Grant Program
647 S. King Rd San Jose, CA 95116

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Other Success

Two people in field of shrubs looking closely at plants

Coyote Creek BioBlitz Events

Coyote Creek BioBlitz Events

The Authority contributed funds towards a series of Bioblitz Events hosted by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful. Coyote Creek is a diverse natural area with multiple types of habitat for varied wildlife. The four BioBlitz events took place at two locations along the creek, where the public helped document animal and plant species with a simple mobile app, iNaturalist. These events aimed to attract diverse participants, including people who may spend little time in nature and can expose more people to the outdoors in a new way.

Man holding smiling baby and looking at an interpretive panel about hummingbirds and butterflies at Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

The Authority funded two phases of improvements for this 40-acres of open space along the Guadalupe River in Santa Clara, in 1999 and again in 2004. The projects included trail design and construction as well as removal of exotic plant species, revegetation, irrigation, and fence and gate improvements. The park now features native vegetation representing a variety of plant communities connected by a series of trails.

RIDESV Enviro Series

RIDESV Enviro Series

RIDESV is a three year monthly bike ride series working with partner organizations to enhance access to open space. The partner organizations include those focused on environmental issues as well as those working directly with low income populations. The program aims to increase bicycling as a sustainable form of transportation, connect people to open space, and share knowledge among partner organizations to educate participants.