Very Important Trails Access: Connecting Communities to Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge


open space authority funds contributed to project


project awarded

The Bay Area Ridge Trail Council (Ridge Trail) is expanding public trail access at Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve (Coyote Ridge) and growing public support for recreation, protection, and conservation at the preserve, under the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority’s (Authority) Urban Grants Program. The Ridge Trail is hosting eight guided trail outings at Coyote Ridge for 12-24 participants, in coordination with community partners, to broaden access for individuals and/or families within the Authority’s jurisdiction who have been historically underrepresented. These 3-7 mile nature-based, hiking experiences introduce residents to the trails at Coyote Ridge, scheduled to open for limited access to the public in late 2023.
Award Date:
May 18, 2023
Urban Grant Program
Máyyan 'Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve

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