A man with a beard and wide-brimmed hat holds a small bird on his hand, surrounded by teenage students who are smiling and looking at the bird

Projects Funded by Our Grant Programs

The Open Space Authority's Grant Programs help connect people to nature in their neighborhoods by funding urban projects and programs throughout our jurisdiction. Learn more information about these projects located throughout Santa Clara Valley below.

Grant Projects

The Authority contributed funds to help Bay Area Wilderness Training expand its services in Santa Clara County to conduct South Bay focused outdoor leadership training courses, bolster partnerships in Santa Clara County and provide outdoor trip support though the Milpitas free Gear Library.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
Sacred Heart Community Services’ "La Mesa Verde" is a network of gardeners committed to improving the local food system. Open Space Authority grant funds helped strengthen La Mesa Verde’s introductory gardening curriculum, making it more effective, interactive and consistent with the goal to encourage community leadership and power.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority helped to fund Veggielution’s "Eastside Explorers," an experiential, hands-on field trip program which engages hundreds of middle school students each year.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority contributed funds towards a series of "Bioblitz" events hosted by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful to expose more people to the outdoors in a new way and attract diverse participants, including people who may spend little time in nature.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority helped to fund the Children’s Discovery Museum’s "Happy Trails" project, which offered a free, multiple-experience program addressing the lack of opportunities for urban children to connect with nature.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority helped to fund the City of San José’s project to construct an outdoor classroom for Guadalupe Oak Grove Park patrons that serves as a space for environmental education programs and nature-based outdoor play.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority contributed funds to help the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy protect and enhance an open space area in Guadalupe Gardens by defining its borders.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority helped to fund Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful’s "Coyote Creek Environmental Education Project," which engaged students, educators and the public through Watershed-in-a-Box kits for K-12 students and public education events, such as walks, public presentations and student-led art projects.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program