A man with a beard and wide-brimmed hat holds a small bird on his hand, surrounded by teenage students who are smiling and looking at the bird

Projects Funded by Our Grant Programs

The Open Space Authority's Grant Programs help connect people to nature in their neighborhoods by funding urban projects and programs throughout our jurisdiction. Learn more information about these projects located throughout Santa Clara Valley below.

Grant Projects

With support from the Open Space Authority, Saved By Nature’s Cultural Competency Project aims to engage over 1,000 people of all backgrounds and abilities through three types of environmental education programs: guided nature hikes, science day camp activities and immersive backpacking experiences.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
Funded by the Open Space Authority, Growing Sustainably is a signature CommUniverCity SJSU program that seeks to develop and deliver new curriculum connecting wildlife appreciation, Green STEM careers and climate resilience to expand its programming.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
With support from the Open Space Authority, San Jose Conservation Corps (SJCC)’s Naturalist Program aims to train and certify 75 Corpsmembers as California Naturalists, in collaboration with the UC California Naturalist Program.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The "Love the Guadalupe River Park” Two-Year Public Programs Pilot is an initiative by the Guadalupe River Park Conservancy to develop, implement and measure the outcomes and impact of a regular calendar of parks and nature-based public programs.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
Supported by this Open Space Authority grant, the Green Foothills’ Healing in Nature series offers meditative, healing experiences to public groups in protected parks and open spaces within the Santa Clara Valley.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
Supported by the Open Space Authority, Garden to Table Silicon Valley's "Growing Our Urban Roots" Youth Education Program provides a hands-on learning opportunity for students to step into leadership roles, become environmental stewards and build community resilience.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
Funded by the Open Space Authority, the City of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Department's Urban Gardening Initiative facilitates a range of sustainable container gardening educational workshops that enhance gardening opportunities for all and help cultivate urban biodiversity and equity for the community.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program