A man with a beard and wide-brimmed hat holds a small bird on his hand, surrounded by teenage students who are smiling and looking at the bird

Projects Funded by Our Grant Programs

The Open Space Authority's Grant Programs help connect people to nature in their neighborhoods by funding urban projects and programs throughout our jurisdiction. Learn more information about these projects located throughout Santa Clara Valley below.

Grant Projects

Led by CommUniverCity, and with funds from the Open Space Authority, students and families learned about urban agriculture and environmental science through hands-on lessons, field trips and family education kits.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority helped fund Guadalupe River Park Conservancy's standards-based outdoor education programs to students from Title I schools and special needs groups for three years.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
With funding from the Open Space Authority, Bay Area Older Adults worked with 11 community partners to provide 45 virtual and in-person programs that served more than 1,670 visually impaired persons and people with dementia and their caregivers.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
Initially launched in response to COVID-19 and funded in part by the Open Space Authority, Veggielution's Eastside Connect program serves more than 250 people per week through farm boxes, hot meals and their onsite farm stand.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority helped to fund Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful's BioBlitz events, which taught people about the diverse natural areas and wildlife along Coyote Creek and other South Bay parks and exposed people to the outdoors in a new way.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
The Open Space Authority helped fund Sacred Heart Community Service’s La Mesa Verde (LMV) program, a network of urban gardeners that uses innovative solutions to build a sustainable food system in San Jose and the broader Bay Area.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program
Funded by the Open Space Authority, Environmental Volunteers' project brought a wide variety of hands-on science and nature programs that meet the needs of students, teachers and parents of Title I schools in the Santa Clara Valley.
Grant Program Type
Urban Grant Program